

Sunday, August 9, 2015

General update-> tracking continues to be buggy.

Last weekend I did a fun run on Saturday where I ran at one of the local nature preserves. I got incredibly lost but it didn't really matter because I was running hills and ended up doing my six miles. There was an abandoned castle on my run and below are some pictures from my run. I also practiced running with my backpack and it was ok, but not fantastic.

On Sunday we ran our 11 miles and my tracker screwed up again :(. This makes me very unhappy. I'm going to try using a different tracking program but I fear that it is an issue with my phone. It was really hot that day but we managed to do the whole run. We listen to music for the majority of the run.

On Monday I did Insanity and was very sore the next day.

On Tuesday we did another fartlek workout, this time we did workout from last time twice.

On Wednesday we ran our 7 mile run and we were running pretty fast. I was frustrated with things in my life so I guess I was pushing us faster than usual. Again the tracker failed. I also used a anti-chafing solution that worked really well but discolors fabric. So it looked like I peed myself until my running buddy let me borrow a spare pair of shorts.

I failed to do my run on Thursday because sometimes I'm a lazy bum.

Today I ran my 13 miles by myself. I accidentally ran in a bad neighborhood (that I didn't know was a bad neighborhood when I planned my route). My tracker failed AGAIN. So, do you now understand my frustration???

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Buggie Tracking & general update

So the last two runs I kept forgetting my spi-belt at school and when I tried to carry my phone in my hand the tracking was really bizarre. That's why I haven't updated my graph. However, on Wednesday morning GR and I went for a 6 mile run that was very challenging because it was very hot and humid. 

This morning we did our speed workout for the week by doing hills. We did a 1 mile warm up jog and then found a really long and steep hill in the local cemetery. We did a series of 4 hill runs where we really pushed ourselves up the hill and walked down the hill, before finishing with a 1 mile jog. This was to preserve our knees and allow us to do a better job running up the hill. Going up those hills, I felt like a tub of lard. I can't believe how hard it has gotten for me to run hills.

Last week's long run was completed however GR wasn't able to finish the full 10 miles so we are going to cut it down to 11 this week to avoid causing injury.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

First Speed workout!

Yesterday my friend and I did our three miles as a fartlek. For those of you who don't know, fartlek is a sweedish word for "speed play". It consists of segments of fast running and segments of jogging for various amounts of time. Our schedule was:

10 min warm up
0:30 Hard 
1:30 Easy 
0:30 Hard 
1:15 Easy 
0:30 Hard 
1:00 Easy 
0:30 Hard 
0:45 Easy 
0:30 Hard 
0:30 Easy 
0:30 Hard 
0:15 Easy 
0:30 Hard 
10 min cool down

With this schedule, the rest time decreases by increments of 15 seconds and is called a Gerschler Fartlek. Often people repeat the middle part several times, but we only needed to run three miles so we only did one set.

I didn't turn on my tracker by accident so it won't show up in the chart with quite as much information as usual. Also, I'm really slow right now!!! :( But that is why we are doing the speed workouts. It is awesome how patient my running buddy is! She is faster than me but doesn't mind slowing down to my pace.

Monday, July 20, 2015

I have been running I promise!

Hey guys!
So it looks like I haven't posted in a while but if you check the little chart at the top of the blog I have been tracking my runs!!

I did my first real long run this past Saturday and it was 8 miles in the humid Ohio summer. We slightly modified our program because neither my buddy or I ran the 7 mile run we had scheduled on 7/11. So do avoid jumping 4 miles in one run, we switched it from 9 miles to 8.

We ran roughly a 9:40 min/mile pace and took a few rests. I really want to get that down to a 9:10 pace sometime if at all possible because I would LOVE it if we could finish in roughly 4 hours. So we are going to do a speed workout tomorrow! I hate speed workouts! But much like vegetables, they are good for you. :)

I love my running buddy, she makes it so easy for me! Last week we were supposed to run 3 miles on Thursday and I was super unmotivated because I had a stressful and exhausting day. But she drove to my house at 7:30 pm because I told her I needed the motivation. (She has less difficulty motivating herself so it was definitely just for my benefit). What a great buddy!

Anyways, today I am doing an exercise class to maintain my muscle strength and burn some calories!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Strong start but now slacking

I ran five miles last Thursday and Saturday with my medical school friend. It was really good! On Friday I ran a mile with my boyfriend because he is trying to start running again and I want to support him in that. On Monday and Tuesday I was at a retreat where I got stung by a wasp. They put my on Benadryl because I have a family history of allergies. This made me so tired I just slept all day and couldn't get myself to go running. Tonight I plan on doing my 5 mile run and have just asked my friend to harass me about it so that I actually go. I am also going to buy some earbuds so that I can run with music when my friend is away. I really like the chart and spreadsheet I have added at the top of the page. The "description" part corresponds to the initials of the person I ran with. Feel free to comment so I know you are reading.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Hello!  I decided it's time for marathon #2!  This is partly due to a need for running motivation and also because I have often called myself a "marathoner" only to realize that this implies have run several marathons (which I haven't).  Lastly, for my previous marathon I purposely did not push myself to run fast during the marathon and even though l finished, l know I can do better.  Therefore, l signed up for the Towpath marathon which is in the near by national park!  It will be October 11th and I will be running with my friend! Yay!!!!!

 Anyways, my weekly schedule will be at the top and a count down on the side. Stay tuned!

Sunday, April 27, 2014


All right dudes, yesterday I ran the marathon! It was great! I honestly didn't even feel super tired! I had asked the pacer who I should run with and they suggest I run with the 4:30 finishing the group. My final the was 4 hours 26 min because I left the group in the last two miles. Last week I had squeezed in another 20 mile run on Wednesday before getting violently ill with a stomach flu for a few days.  This week I only got a four mile in on Wednesday.

I am ecstatic that I did it! I teared up a little crossing the finish line because I was so happy. :) I ran with two different people during the race, a woman who was in the Army Reserves and a man who worked for the military for his whole life.  My pacer has run over 200 marathons! The crowds were really fun, handing out water, candy,  fruit, paper towels, and even balloons!  I have so many memories and not enough time to write about them all!  I saw a blind runner with her helpers, I learned how to eat while running, listened to a talk by Hal Higdon (the person who wrote my training program), got a really cute headband for running, and so much more!  I also used the app called "Glympse" so that my friends and family could watch me finish.

Some cute headbands that were only $5 at the running expo.

Running past my family at mile 3.

 Running up to the finish!

 My family watching me finish using the tracker.

 Being sassy after the race!

 My boyfriend watched the second half of the race and meet me at the finish!